Puppy Love
Proper imprinting of social interaction is vital for puppies from 3 to 18 months. This is the peak time for puppies to learn dog language from older dogs who will correct bad behavior. This will ensure your puppy is aware of his surrounding and respectful of others.
“Our dog is very happy here. The owner is very nice, we leave our dog every time we are not in Fredericton and we knows it is the best place in town!”
– Julia G.

Happy Campers
Take a Peek Into the Lovely Doggy House
Your dog will come home calm, tired and ready for cuddles with the family after a social and playful day with his canine friends!
Clean, Safe and Welcoming
We promise to fulfill your dog’s psychological and instinctual needs by providing a safe, clean, and healthy environment. Fido can chew on his favourite toy, participate in group play, lounge in a kiddie pool, or even take a nap after being tuckered out from all the fun!